Friday, March 9, 2012


Yes, Rider is napping but so is Grandfather and, maybe soon, Mimi. Busy morning outside and then on to the local park for lots of sliding, racing around in the sand and going entirely too high on the swing which was pushed by Grandfather. Men just have to encourage all the dare-devil behaviors that little boys naturally love. Rider was fairly content going down the smaller slide but found it enticing to go down face first on the tall slide when Grandfather proposed the notion. Luckily, he doesn't stick with anything too long so we had no mishaps at the playground.

Lunch out was on the agenda for Grandfather and elicited a prompt veto from me for any place other than a pick-up. Tired eighteen month olds should not be inflicted on unsuspecting strangers in my opinion. So, since we do not have to be responsible parents and the food police were no where in sight, we went to Taco Bell and choose for Rider a soft, beef taco. I'm thinking this is not too unhealthy except for the salt.

We raced home and he ate an entire taco and an entire kiwi while downing most of a sippy cup of water. Then, after a diaper change, drank a sippy cup of milk and went down for a nap.
I phased out bottle the first day I kept him and he absolutely could have cared less that milk was now in the cup instead of a bottle. He is the easiest kid to feed. Breakfast today was a banana, cinnamon puffs and an egg with some toast. He eats virtually everything and in humongous quantities but he also burns calories like crazy.

It is another beautiful socal day and life is good.

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