Friday, July 15, 2011

Another day...another fresco

Yesterday we made a marathon trip to Arezzo in Umbria...a four hour round trip for a gelato and two of which had lovely frescos.

 Maybe this was stretching it but I can say I drove through Rufino as in the Chiati wine fame.Actually we drove through very lovely wine country and the city of Arezzo was charming and untouristy. I'd love to spend more time there probably without a baby.

On the piazza
Incredibly beautiful piazza and restaurants of renown.Also saw a church that was "undecorated". My mistake, however, as it was a Franciscan church and they were so dedicated to putting their money toward helping the poor, they chose not to embellish their churches. Refreshing after the adornments we've been seeing!

Today Rider and I eschewed the Florence marathon Pitti Palace and more to stay home. I was preparing to vacate our lovely apartment and move tomorrow to the San Cresci Church to live with the monks for the next week.Didn't think I'd ever live with monks but not too old to try most anything. Rider and I took two walks, I did a load of clothes ( hopefully my last experience of hanging clothes on a line to dry ), Rider took two much too brief naps and we celebrated his 10 months of life by sharing a limone popsicle. This was his first popsicle and he was intent on holding it...the actual popsicle part ...which made for very sticky hands. Wish I had been able to film the event. Very cute!

Prelude to the popsicle
Today he also did the one step, sit down routine; a one handed ciao wave and a big bite of soap during his bath. All in all, a big day.

Tonight his mother ventured out to an art opening in Vicchio with new Italian friends she met at the church on Sunday night. Her Italian is improving and she's gutsy enough to try all this out! Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I still get sticky hands when I eat a popsicle. Are you really going to be living with Monks?
